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Newcomer's & Warlord Tournament Winners

Held in the spring of each year, our Newcomer's tournament offers lists for fighters of varying levels of experience. From the 1st year tourney open to fighters authorized for a year or less, to the prize tourney open to all authorized fighters, the Province of Southern Shores offers a day filled with fun, fighting, and many other competitions and activities!

Along with the Newcomer's Tournament, fighter's from around the province gather together in honorable combat to decide which amongst them deserves the honor of wearing the Gull and serving the Province as it's Warlord. A prize tournament is also held open to all fighters, as well as competitions, raffles and classes.

This Years Winners:

1st Year: Michael O'Sullivan

2nd Year: Villi Hvitrulfr


White Scarf Rapier Tournament Winners:

1st Year: Brogan of Cloondara

2nd Year: Yani of St. David's

Next Tournament: Spring 2019


Our Current Warlord is: Ulfr Grimmson

Past Tournament Winners


Silver-Toungued Devil Tournament

Each winter, as we gather in-doors for feasting, games, and fun The Silver-Tongued Devil Contest is held to determine who can spin the best tale to convince someone of something they do not want to be convinced of. It is a tournament of words, oratory standing in for swords, creativity and presentation for armor and heraldry.

Our Current Silver Toungued Devil is: TBA

If you know of fighters who have won previous Newcomer's lists, PLEASE, email the Webminister the persons name, and what year they won.